
Gay Marrage

Should Gay Marriage be legalized? Of course! I absolutely love the 'heterosexuals' that say that gay marriage is 'an abomination!' Who the hell are they to talk?!?! The heterosexual community gets the option to marry, have children/adopt children, and be open about it in all 50 states. While the gays don't get that option. I wonder what it would be like if the gays were the "majority" and straights were the "minority" and the straights had to fight for their rights to marry and have (or adopt) children while the gays can get married and have (or adopt) children at their own discretion without any judgment. Being a homosexual is NOT contagious! I should know, I am straight and most of my friends are gay/bisexual and I haven't turned into a bisexual or a lesbian. It just wont happen. Just because someone is gay doesn't mean they're trying to recruit you, I mean if that is what you believe don't be so full of yourself!

In October of 2009 I went to the march for equality in Washington DC to march for equal rights for the GLBT community and it was just so inspiring being there, and marching. You saw all kinds of people there! Cynthia Nixon, the red head from Sex in the City, marched with us. Lady GaGa spoke, as did Cynthia Nixon. As well as some other speakers. There was a solider that marched in his uniform with a piece of electrical tape over his mouth, due to the military's 'don't ask don't tell' policy. I never expected to see that there, but hey! We went past the white house, and right to the capitol building. We only had one protester, ONE! I mean really?!?! I give him credit for trying at least. It was amusing hearing him shout into a megaphone (in his southern accent) that we're sinners, Jesus doesn't love us, and that we're going to hell. Didn't Jesus preach peace and acceptance?! Oh well, lets not talk about religion here, lets save that for a different day.

Did you know that "the only state that will perform a same-sex wedding is Massachusetts. Americans from other states may travel to Massachusetts to get married but they must check their local laws first to make sure that their Massachusetts marriage will be recognized in their state. A Notice of Intent to Marry must be filed in Massachusetts and couples have to wait three days. If you’re an American living in a state where there is a ban on gay marriages, the state of Massachusetts will not issue a marriage license to you. While there are about 19 states that ban gay marriages? those states are: Alaska, Nevada, Montana, Oregon, Utah, Nebraska, Missouri, Michigan, North Dakota, Ohio, Kentucky, Oklahoma, Kansas, Louisiana, Arkansas, Georgia, Mississippi, Texas and Alabama." (info gotten from http://www.professorshouse.com/family/relationships/gay-marriage-statistics.aspx)

One of the most interesting articles I have found says, " Gay marriage hasn't been legal long enough to establish reliable gay marriage statistics, and many statistics don't separate gay marriage from general marriage rates. Marriage rates have been dropping world wide since 1990. In America, the marriage rate dropped from 232,900 in 2000 to 217,800 in 2004.

Gay marriage, having been illegal for so long, takes a sharp rise wherever it is introduced. When San Francisco legalized gay marriage, 4,037 marriage licenses were issued and 3,995 gay couples were married in the several months before the state intervened and voided the marriages. In a review of the names of couples it was found 57 % of the couples were lesbian. Demographic information also showed most of the couples were older and better educated than average newlywed couples, with more than 74% over 35 years old and 69 % holding a college degree.

For the first six months after gay marriage was legalized in the Netherlands, same-sex marriages made up 3.6% of the total number of marriages. The numbers have steadily dropped since then to around 3%, with 2,500 gay couples marrying in 2001, 1,800 in 2002, 1,200 in 2004, and 1,100 in 2005.

In the 2000 census it was found that there were 601,209 committed gay couples in America." (gaymarriage.lifetips.com/cat/64319/gay-marriage-facts-statistics/index.html)