
Music, the universal language

Whichever genre of music you prefer chances are that someone else likes the same type of music as you do. Music can bring people together, to vent emotions, to let someone know how you feel, get you through a rough day, or make a good day better.

I think if people appreciated music for music and not like a type or genre of music because it's "cool" or "trendy" or "it's what everyone is listening to," maybe music would actually be apreciated for more than a cool beat/rythem or a verse that stikes a chord, but for what actually went into making that particular song. What prompted the song writer to write the song? Why did the artist(s) decide to preform and go through with the song? What is behind the song? Why do you like it? If you like it at 'face value' or just because its cool or a good beat or good words, I don't really think that you would actually understand and grasp whatever message the artist(s) were trying to convey in their song(s).

So before you jump into "I love this band," or "I love this song," consider the message behind it, and not just take it for face value. If you still like the song/srtist then, then you can truly say you enjoy them for more than a catchy beat and a cool verse to go with it.